Thanks for joining my travelog, I hope that you find my journey as interesting as I will and that I am able to share some of my new found knowledge with you all. I have set up this blog so that I can share knowledge that I acquire while overseas, but also to enable subscribers to send questions and comments to me that may be important for me to read while I am traveling. I am still bedding down some of my meetings and like most Churchill Fellows, I continue to get offers that I don't think I will be able to accept which is a great shame.
In brief, the objective of my Fellowship is to travel to London, Switzerland, The Netherlands and the USA to spend time with camera trap experts who either build remote cameras, use remote cameras for wildlife research or they are involved in developing software programs and systems/standards for managing data and programs. The use of remote cameras in wildlife management in Australia has increased exponentially in the last few years and there is still a great deal of research and management that needs to be undertaken to customise the use of this tool to suit our needs. Our colleagues overseas have a great deal of knowledge that they are willing to share with Australians to help fast track our development process and ensure that we don't re-invent the wheel...... so to speak. I will also be giving presentations on some of the camera trap research that we at the Invasive Animal CRC and Vertebrate Pest Research Unit are undertaking.
My Fellowship really kicks off next weekend which is going to be interesting. This years' Churchill Fellows have been invited to Government House to be awarded our Fellowships by the Governor General - Quentin Bryce AC. This is followed by a dinner at Parliament House that will provide great opportunities to meet other Fellows past and present. On Sunday at breakfast we meet again with past and present Fellows to learn more about their Fellowships. It should be an interesting weekend in Sydney.